
#CitehBirthdays: Celebrating the Vibrant Solomon Mwesigwa

Name: Mwesigwa Solomon

Birthday: 5th June

Profession: Accountant

Hobbies: Sports, Music, enjoyments

Likes: Arsenal, Piano, Quality time

What inspires you? Creativity and Kanye west’s confidence

Fav Quote: I refuse to accept other people’s ideas of happiness for me. As If there’s a “one size fits all” standard of happiness . Kanye

Status: Single

Why Love City: City is like my 2nd. family. You just have to be there to understand



Rotaract Club of Kampala City

31 years of Uninterrupted Community Service, Fun and Fellowship. We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. Our venue is Route 256, HeskethBell Rd.