Citeh Birthdays: We celebrate the ever beautiful Joy Nyamigisha

Rotaract Club of Kampala City
1 min readSep 3, 2020

Name : Joy Nyamigisha

Birthday : September, 18th

Profession: Call center supervisor

Hobbies: Dancing,cookies,watching real life stories,reading

Favorite quote: Life is what you make it, design you will enjoy it

Status: In a committed situation

Why love our club :

  1. The seriousness

2. Commitment they have

3. The togetherness they have for each other, the bond



Rotaract Club of Kampala City

31 years of Uninterrupted Community Service, Fun and Fellowship. We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. Our venue is Route 256, HeskethBell Rd.